Monday, April 20, 2009

Basics about our move

We are moving to Kenya!
For the record, Chris wanted an introduction to our trip, Lesley wanted FAQs. This is our compromise.

Where will you be?
We will be in Ribe ("ree-bay"), Kenya. It is about 30 km from Mombasa, a city on the south east coast along the Indian ocean. Ribe is considered a rural area, so though its population is hard to determine it does host some large schools for the nearby residents. It is probably not on your Google map!

Why are you going?
We have had a longing to do service overseas for a while, and the opportunity presented itself in a compelling way! There is a need for help in schools in Ribe (10 teachers for 650 students!) as well as in initiatives that help improve the local economy. An organization called the Ribe Youth Development Association is a community-based group of individuals committed to the betterment of Ribe, and we are very excited to work alongside them in their efforts. We are looking forward to this international adventure, a chance for us to immerse ourselves in another culture and learn from them while sharing our own. Although we considered going overseas with a set program, doors continued to open for us to take this particular opportunity, which was set up through a friend’s organization, Project Kenya.

What will you be doing?
We plan to primarily assist in classrooms (as teachers or tutors) and help create and lead enrichment activities (sports, arts, leadership, etc.). We also intend to use our training in engineering projects (Chris), library/literacy projects (Lesley), and other things if we identify needs and our skills match.

For how long?
We are leaving in August and are committing to staying at least until next summer. We are tentatively planning on returning to the states at that point, but we are open to opportunities as they present themselves.

What about your careers?
We are taking a break, sort of. We are hoping to use skills that we have developed in our careers to assist the people of Ribe, and hoping to continue to develop transferable skills (as well as an international, cross-cultural perspective) in our work there. For example, Lesley will continue working with students in educational settings, and Chris will work to design solutions for various issues using his mechanical engineering skills.

How can you afford this?
We are fortunate that the cost of living in Kenya is less than the US and the people of Ribe have been generous in offering their hospitality. However, we will have some financial needs (travel, insurance, program supplies) for which we have saved some of our own money and plan to do fundraising as well.

Are you missionaries or volunteers?
Yes! A little of both – we are volunteering (i.e., not being paid) to partner with a community in their education and development projects. We are doing this to share the love and hope of Christ, just as we have been aiming to share this love and hope when we lived and worked in the states.

Is it safe?
There is always some inherent danger in traveling to foreign countries; however, the election unrest has settled down in Kenya and we will stay clear of areas with pirates. Currently the Peace Corps has volunteers where we will be, and we will continue to follow the US Government’s travel warnings.

Are you crazy?
Yes, but not just because we’re doing this. :-)

How can I support you?
We would love support through your thoughts, prayers, letters, etc. Also, we will be doing some fundraising and sure wouldn’t mind some help with that, too! Let us know if you want an official letter.

PS. Now you should ask us real questions (frequently) so we can have real FAQs ;-)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thoughts to share

Hi everyone, I'm Chris, and I've just got to share that I am so encouraged right now.

It is late, so sorry if anything's not quite completely coherent, but I just got back to Milwaukee after a little drive by myself with some time to think. I took a quick trip to Chicago to visit my Dad while he's there for Easter. I was sure Dad would have a bit of advice, and generally be supportive, but he was even more supportive of the trip than I expected. I also caught up with a couple good friends to share news of our adventure, and they were so excited for us! It was really encouraging to me.

My trip was by myself, because my wife, Lesley (who is slightly skeptical that I will help contribute to this blog, so how's this for a start? :-P), also took a trip this weekend - a bigger one, out to New York to surprise her best friend with a visit a little bit before her birthday, and I'm sure they are talking about this adventure as well. So, because she is gone right now, and, well, since nobody is reading this blog yet, this is also more for me to put down some thoughts to share with her before I forget them.

Aside from sharing with her that I feel so encouraged, my thoughts pretty much involve beginning to formulate a mission statement of sorts - inspired by friends who are going to India soon, as well as some of the extensive explanations of those sorts of things that the Peace Corps requires. At any rate, to begin this process, I was thinking on the drive of something along the lines of, "To experience a different culture, and respectfully share a little bit of our own, while enhancing knowledge in and out of classrooms of school subjects (such as English and math), the world, and Jesus Christ in order to bring and inspire hope and love." It is sure to evolve, but while we mull over it and refine it, I will let Lesley describe our plans for this adventure a little bit.

Thanks for your interest!
We love because He first loved us. ~1 John 4:19