We want to keep you updated on our adventure (if anyone reads this :-)), let you know about an upcoming event, and answer a frequently asked question ("what are you doing with your stuff?") ... we are having a huge yard sale!
It is amazing how much work this is, having never had a yard sale before, and to be selling a large portion of our belongings. We've spent a few days just deciding what to sell, what to store, and what to take. Selling: furniture, winter clothes, various home decor items, and close to 200 books (yes, if you know me, that is a big sacrifice). Storing: wedding presents, kitchen stuff, rest of clothes, work-related books. Taking: hopefully just the essentials!
It's been a hard but good process ... bit by bit we are starting to mentally prepare for living with (significantly) less. Even though we've moved 4 times in the last 2 years, this is obviously the biggest transition by far. It occurred to me that it would probably make more sense in general to get house-warming presents than wedding presents ... just because you're married doesn't mean you're settled down!! Anyway, Kenya living, here we come.
Here are the yard sale details, in case you are local:
Saturday, June 6
8 am - 4 pm
324 W. College Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53186
All proceeds go to our work in Kenya. And specifically, books will be priced so that each book sold will (hopefully) purchase a book for the new library in Ribe. Now we just need to sell 200 books!!
If you are local, please come by! We will also have a potluck dinner at 5, since we'll have folks in town and would like an excuse to hang out with friends anyway :-). See you next Saturday!
ps. If you read this, feel free to comment ... we don't really know who sees this (and Google analytics confused me).