Friday, December 25, 2009
Open Letter from the Director of Project Kenya
Yes it is the week before Christmas and in just a few days we will be opening up presents, eating dinner with our families, and thanking God for our loved ones and for all that we have. For the past five years, I have been working (unpaid) for the hope in making a difference in the lives of some Kenyans and in the lives of some Americans. Project Kenya Charity is a volunteer organization that simply wants to teach, share, and help Kenyans so that they can “change their stars.”
This Christmas, Project Kenya and the children of Ribe, Kenya have a HUGE gift wish. We are trying to raise money to send a 40ft. container to Kenya. I did type 40 FOOT container! The cost will be $8,000 for shipping and taxes. We have already raised $3,000. Please help us bring this 40 foot container to Kenya. It will ship in early January and meet our Project Kenya missionaries in March (if we raise the money for shipping).
The village of Ribe, Kenya is very small and rural. Just imagine the faces of 600 children as a 40 ft container filled with books, school supplies, computers, tools, clothing, shoes, and much more arrives and is unpacked. Their faces alone will be worth every cent.
Please consider making a donation to Project Kenya, memo: container. This shipment is so important to this village that I will even come and pick up your donation. Just let me know when and where. Your donation is tax deductible through Project Kenya.
Lastly, we are looking for a few more items for the container as well. If you have any of the following please let me know and I can come and get it.
Gently used clothing
Gently used shoes
Adult bicycles (that work)
Sewing equipment and machines
Hair clippers for men
Push lawnmowers
Soccer equipment
Tools-all types and kinds
Learning aids for the classroom
If you have other items you would like to donate please give me a call.
Have a blessed Christmas- and remember to pass this email and wish along!"
Brydie Hill
Project Kenya Charity, Inc.
4360 Jackson Drive
Jackson, WI 53037
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Exciting week (part I)
This past week we have taken part in a number of fun things. The previous weekend was pretty much consumed with Chris being very ill – don’t worry, he’s fine now. It was probably malaria, since the malaria treatment made him better quickly, but without a lab test we don’t know for sure. So, this week was full of activities to make up for it.
Then, finding that we were about 4 hours early for our next event, we caught a series of matatus that put us in Nyali at a swanky strip mall with a Nakumatt (big supermarket), cinema, trendy clothing shop, bowling alley, and several cafes. We browsed, ate, read, and generally killed time (I discovered The Time-Traveler’s Wife is coming in January!) before heading over to the church for a Christmas concert. The concert was fun – the church was packed, we got to sing some classic Christmas songs and hymns, and for the first time we really felt like Christmas is approaching! After the concert we went home with a missionary couple who lets us stay at their house and we got a good night’s rest on comfortable mattresses with a/c running!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wageni Wakaribishwa
Jambo, jambo bwana (Hello, sir)
Habari gani – Nzuri sana (How are you – I am very fine)
Wageni wakaribishwa (Visitors are welcome)
Kenya yetu – hakuna matata (to our Kenya – no problem!)
So, we would like to echo – wageni wakaribishwa! Visitors are welcome!
If you have any interest in visiting Kenya (and us!) we would love to have visitors. It’s definitely a big trip, but if you are interested in either being a tourist or a volunteer, there are opportunities for you.
Specifically, our organization, Project Kenya, is planning a short-term mission trip to Ribe in early March. The volunteers will be working on some of the projects you may have heard us right about – the new school building, the library, and a resource center. The cost of the trip is $500 plus airfare (airfare for March looks like about $1200). This trip is pretty basic (homestays, etc.) to keep costs down, but if you are interested in seeing more of Kenya they (or we) can arrange safaris and other trips. See the Project Kenya website for more information, and feel free to ask us any questions! We would LOVE to see any and all of you who have an interest in this area.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Holiday season: harambee, wedding, birthday, and more!
This past weekend we visited a harambee (“ha-rom-bay” - community fundraiser) for a youth group in Ribe called Play Safe. Their mission is to educate young people about how to be safe in all activities, including avoiding HIV, pregnancy, alcohol and drugs. We have seen them practicing drama skits frequently at the school grounds; their dedication is impressive. This was our first harambee, so it was quite a surprising experience!
As with most harambees, pledges are taken in advance and invitations are distributed to important people in the community (educators, church leaders, politicians … us?). We brought a little bit of money that we planned to contribute, and at various points attempted to give it to the organizer, only to be told that it wasn’t time yet. The entire harambee is a well-orchestrated ceremony, with specific steps and timing of which we were initially completely oblivious.
Guests are seated in different areas: some under the shade of a tree, special guests under a tent. The harambee is opened by the chairman of the organization, then in this case the Play Safe group performed an acrobatic show and a skit about safe sex (I think – it was mostly in Kiswahili). Then the official fundraiser came up (someone outside the group), and each person is supposed to go and greet him with “a little something,” ranging from 10-100 shillings (in the range of a few cents to a dollar or so).
In addition to asking for the escorts, the fundraiser used additional tactics like encouraging the audience to help round out a number (“we have 1,240 shillings, can we get 60 more to make 1300?” or “we have 1300 shillings, can we get 200 more to make 1500?”) It was pretty effective – you really wanted to see the group have a successful fundraiser, and there is definitely peer pressure to keep donating! As each person donates they are applauded, so there is definitely also an aspect of pride and recognition. Finally, when you think they can’t possibly squeeze another cent from you, they ask for things like a “chair” donation – 50 shillings if you were sitting in a chair! It really was all pretty amusing – at least we knew when we went that we were going to be asked for money – we just didn’t know how many times! Next time we will bring the same amount as planned but in smaller bills. :-) All in all the Play Safe group raised 40,000 shillings (about $570) - pretty impressive for a small audience in a small town with poverty struggles – even for Kenya. Their first project, aside from the skits raising awareness, is a water storage tank in an area of Ribe that frequently has water issues.
After the harambee we headed to Kaloleni (where our post office is – larger than Ribe, smaller than Mombasa) to catch the latter part of a wedding. The headteacher’s sister was getting married and he invited us; we had never met her, but it is common to invite anyone and everyone in the community to weddings. When we arrived at 3 pm we thought the party would still be in full force, since we heard there are large crowds and long parties … but I guess this one had started the night before and was now ending. We had a chance to say congrats to the wedding party and then they left about 10 minutes after we got there.
Although the wedding was basically over, we did get to enjoy visiting with the headteacher and his family, and eating the food traditionally cooked for mass quantities of people: Pilau!
(Lesley with some flower girls and other children after the wedding)
Oh yeah, and all this was on my birthday – what fun! We didn’t really do anything additional to celebrate since this was already a lot of activity. I did enjoy getting the chicken you saw above, a new pair of sandals, and some chocolate :-)
Other things we have planned for December:
- Visiting the homes of a few different teachers from Ribe Primary
- Visiting artisan workshops and shopping in Mombasa
- Celebrating Chris’s birthday by attending another local wedding (December is wedding season in Kenya, and there are more than 5 weddings each weekend just in the local area!)
- Spending Christmas in Nairobi with our friends Albo and Eda and their family
- Going on a safari in Maasai Mara and one of the lakes
- Celebrating New Year’s in Ribe with Tito’s family and village
We will also need to continue working on some of the community projects, like helping the women’s sewing project get started and planning for the computers and library. There is quite a bit to keep us busy this holiday season!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wish List
We also would really appreciate donations that would help us to complete projects in the community. This includes the women's sewing project (some remaining building renovations and in the future, more machines), the computer course (computer equipment and set up), and the library (books and organizational supplies).
Donations can be made by check to Project Kenya, and in the notes line put "Stahls" and whichever project you would like to support (or just our names if it is to support our work directly). They can be mailed to 4360 Jackson Drive, Jackson, WI 53037. Alternatively, you can donate online: go to to see the updated page about Ribe, and then go to the "Donate Now" link at the top of the page. However, I don't think you can specify our names or a project there, so it just goes to the general Project Kenya fund.
We really don't expect anything, but if you are feeling generous, we have come up with a few things that we would enjoy personally:
-- Any DVDs of TV shows or movies, since they are difficult to buy here. Anything you can get for free/cheap is great, though if you want to spend money we would love the LOST series, any/all seasons.
-- Books are expensive to ship, but we do love to read. Again, pretty much anything and everything, and the books would then be donated to the library here.
-- Food: Starbucks Via, Propel/Gatorade packets (especially those with hydrating/electrolytes), Power Bars, dried fruit, beef jerky, summer sausage, Splenda
-- Supplies: food thermometer, rubber spatula
FYI, a padded envelope is cheaper and more likely to arrive than a box ... and feel free to remove things from original packaging.
Thank you again to all our friends and family who have been praying for us and keeping in touch - it is so much more important than material things, and we feel so encouraged by you!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Brydie, the director Project Kenya, was here on Tuesday to visit. She was traveling throughout Kenya to see the various project locations and was able to stay in a Ribe for a little over a day. She brought us some goodies so that we could make a Thanksgiving dinner in Ribe!
(picture: Chris & Lesley with Thanksgiving-in-a-box)
One of the coolest things about this celebration was hosting our neighbors and friends and introducing them to our holiday. Brydie made a video capturing all the things for which we are thankful ... I can't figure out how to post it right now, but I'll work on it soon.
(picture: Mophat, Brydie, Judy & her sons, Sophie & Nesta, Virginia, Chris at Ribe Thanksgiving)
The main purpose of Brydie's visit was to help set up the Ribe Methodist women’s sewing project. This was a project that was underway before we came, so her visit was to bring funding and confirm the official launch. We met with about 25 women, had a lunch at our place, and then she took a couple of the women shopping for the first set of sewing machines.
(picture: Lesley and Brydie with the sewing women)
The next day we were also able to bring a donation to the school of 6 laptop computers! Many thanks to Carroll University's IT department for donating these - the teachers and students are ecstatic. We did an unofficial presentation, since we now need to install programs and get them ready to use before the January term.
On Thursday, we were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving again with some American missionaries in Mombasa. There were about 30 people there, including 10 children, all either local church families or American missionaries around the coast area. It was great to meet other young couples and families and we hope to visit them in the future. We enjoyed all the Thanksgiving traditions – turkey, stuffing, pie – while eating outdoors and then enjoying a swim in the pool!
(pic: Chris and friends at ocean-side Thanksgiving)