Friday, July 23, 2010

Life updates!

Ok, it has been a LONG time since we posted to the blog - mostly because we're back in the US and life is not nearly as exciting (or at least exotic) as it was in Kenya. But, we will still find adventures, so don't worry - the blog is still on!

A few updates from us:
- I (Lesley) was offered/accepted/started a job! I'm a resident director again, and very happy to be getting to know a great campus and awesome colleagues.
- Chris is looking for a job in the area of mechanical engineering and product design. Let us know if you have any ideas or leads!
- We are officially living in Santa Clara, CA, meaning that we have 1 sister, 2 close friends, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, and 2 cousins within about 15 minutes. We can then add 2 grandparents, 2 uncles, 1 aunt, and 2 cousins about 2 hours away, and an additional 1 grandparent, 2 parents, 1 brother, 2 aunts, and 1 uncle if you expand to 7 hours away. Pretty darn good, if you ask me.
- We have a nice 2-bedroom apartment on campus that has a PATIO. I cannot express how happy this makes me. It came with a grill and patio furniture, and we bought some potted flowers and little herb plants. I never thought I liked gardening but it thrills me to sweep our little outdoor room and give my beloved plants their water :-)
- We are starting to embark on a new adventure of healthy/organic eating and cooking, so I may post more about that later. It all began with me having stomach issues upon returning to the US, but I've also been reading a variety of books on the subject and cooking in a way that is hopefully better for us and the environment!

I realize these are slightly more tame activities than we have had the past year, but I think it's all about perspective. Moving to a new state? Starting a new job? Growing plants? Cooking new food? Totally adventures! ;-)

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