Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fall Festivities

We've had a fun fall in CA - really enjoying the fact that we have extended family in the bay area and that a trip down to so cal is not too hard to manage.  Here are some photos from our latest adventures:

We went down to Irvine for a weekend in October and got to see my brother perform with the marching band.  He's been doing it for four years but this was the first time I got to see him!

It was homecoming, so they made "IHS" - Gordy's in there somewhere!  Happy senior year, Gordo!

My mom and I went to a baby shower for Meredith (middle).  Mer, Katie and I were all babies together in the IPC nursery about 26 years ago!

Meredith with some of her loot :-)

While in Irvine we also went to a big suprise party for Katie's mom, but I sadly don't have any pictures of the Beatles cover band, gorgeous view, or crazy dancing. 

We took a trip to Sacramento to visit my cousins and spent a rainy day at soccer games and the pumpkin patch.  They're awesome kids!!  (Holly even scored a goal, but I don't have a pic of that.)

After church on Sunday we discovered the local donut shop was closed so I showed them how to make "boko dogo" (short for "kiboko kidogo," one of my made-up Kenyan recipes.  It means "little hippo" since the fried dough looks like hippos floating in the oil.)

Then I found out I was pregnant. 
(sorry if that's an awkward picture, it's all I have for now!)

For Halloween, we dressed up Alphie.  He didn't seem to mind until he began chasing a squirrel and jumped right out of the shirt collar.

Lauren and her boyfriend Ryan came over to carve pumpkins.  (Note the World Series in the background - YAY GIANTS!!)

We took 100 of my students to the Harry Potter premier, and we even dressed up, can't you tell??   We're James and Lily Potter.  See inspiration here.

Lauren came, too, and since she's my sister, that makes her Aunt Petunia.

For Thanksgiving we went to the Sacramento area to visit Chris's grandparents and uncle and went for a hike by the American river.

In early December we went down to Santa Cruz for a relative's Christmas party, and decided to stop by the lighted boat show first.

Those were fire-breathing dragons!  By far the coolest boat.

Ok, that's all for now, since that brings us up to about last week.  Clearly I need to update the blog more often!  Stay tuned for more info and pictures about that whole "I got pregnant" part! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. hahah! i laughed out loud at the james and lily potter costumes. awesome! :)
